Make Noise Maths

Last week I did a guest appearance on a radio show, where I mentioned my modular project and the fact that I was looking for old or broken modules to help get me off the ground. My oscillator was feeling lonely and I needed more modules, quickly, to actually be able to make any sounds.

My appeal was relatively successful and resulted in my being sent two broken modules. The first was a Make Noise Maths, which had been stood on and a couple of pots and at least one or two jacks were broken. I knew this was a really popular module, though at this stage I didn’t really understand why, but I really wanted to get it working. Thankfully, it was a simple job and I had it running in the rack within a couple of hours.

I’m now getting closer to having a working synth voice. I already have an oscillator and now Maths can work as an envelope generator, so if I add a filter and a VCA, I’ll have a basic, single oscillator monosynth.

I’ve decided (perhaps foolishly) that I want the whole system to be black, so I ordered a black panel for the module from Grayscale. I didn’t really like the original graphics anyway.

Still not 100% sure what Maths is for, but it looks like there are many uses.