Feeling ready to try building something myself, I ordered a kit for the Żłob Modular Dual VCA. I knew I need at least one VCA for my first voice and suspected I would need more in future. I was also suddenly aware of how much space I had available in the rack, so opted for this dual VCA as it was extremely compact, cheap and looked fairly simple to build.
The Dual VCA is a 2 channel DC coupled OTA linear VCA. The 2 VCAs are summed together so it can be used as a voltage controlled mixer or all 3 outs can be used separately and simultaneously.
Everything I needed to build the module was provided in the kit, so I didn’t need to worry about sourcing parts yet.
I set up my soldering station in the studio and got to work…
It was tricky, but not too tricky and within a couple of hours I had finished building my first module!
The soldering really wasn’t too bad!