Westlicht PER|FORMER

I’ve been thinking about a more sophisticated sequencer for a while. I do like the idea of going totally computer free for live performances, so when I saw this project, I jumped at the chance.

Had the boards made up in China and panels made from PCB material.

Quite a heavy build, took around 10 hours total, but the micro controller flashed first time and everything seems to work properly.

And plenty of panel components to solder!

I’m super happy with the results! I’ll update this post when I’ve had a chance to play with it.

Update: this thing is fucking fantastic! The UI feels intuitive enough, the feature set borrows from Elektron, Eloquencer and Orthogonal Devices, taking useful bits from each. It can very easily replace the computer for performance and offers something new as well. I’m looking forward to exploring it further.

Full details about the project here: https://westlicht.github.io/performer/

It’s all open source/open hardware and I’m really looking forward to hacking the code.