Starting out on my second row and wondering what to build next, I looked at my existing analogue synth, the SE-02, and decided that I liked the options that 3 oscillators gave me. I looked around on the internet and discovered Frequency Central, a UK (Coventry) based manufacturer who also offered bare PCBs and panels. This was a much cheaper option than kits as components are very cheap, I just needed to source the right parts.
I ordered the PCB/panel for the System X VCO, a clone of the Roland System 100M VCO, and the components to build two of them from Mouser.
I learned a few lessons about sourcing parts on this build as I managed to order the wrong pots. Twice. I’d also got a couple of other things wrong, but this taught me a lot about the process.
There was a bit of fiddly wiring on this build. Again, more lessons learned!
It worked first time and was easy to calibrate. It’s a really nice analogue VCO with soft and hard sync, PWM, FM and saw, pulse and triangle waveforms. I’ll be building another one soon…