MS-20 Low Pass Filter

I’ve mentioned my feelings on tweaking the filter cutoff before (very much “pro”) and although I have 3 filters already, I’m probably going to build a few more. I fancy a few different flavours and the Korg MS-20 filter has a classic gnarly sound. I found Look Mum No Computer’s stripboard adaptation.

I thought I’d try and redo the layout and fit into a 4hp module. My cases are deep, so it’s all good.

I made a small panel board for the jacks and pots.

Added a row of headers to attach the board. I don’t need all of them, but it makes it pretty sturdy.

Cut and drilled an acrylic panel and labelled it up.

Sounds fucking awesome, self oscillates like a beast and rips through basslines. Very pleased with it.

More details here: