For a while now, I’ve been using this clip-on LED lamp with my system. It’s fine, but the clip isn’t very secure and I have to plug it into to USB to power it (or use batteries).
I decided to make it a bit more permanent and wire it to the power supply in my performance case. I’ve seen the Buchla 200 systems with dual gooseneck lamps and that looks like a great configuration, so I thought I’d do something similar.
I removed the two lamps from the enclosure and desoldered the power/ground wires.
I removed the top row of modules from the case. I left small gaps at the top/bottom of the case for airflow and there’s just enough room for the lamps to fit through.
I pulled the nails out of some cable grips and replaced them with small screws to fix the lamps in place.
A couple of these held each lamp pretty securely. I also added some gorilla glue just to be sure!
I ran wires from the lamps to one of the busboards and taped the wires in place.
Works perfectly and the lamps are flexible enough to fold inside the case when closed. Very pleased with the result as I have some gigs coming up and it’ll be great to be able to see what I’m doing.