TiNRS Tuesday

Tuesday is a procedural sequencer, offering 12 different algorithms for generating sequences, with lots of outputs and control. I’ve picked up a few of the TiNRS (This is Not Rocket Science) PCBs recently and this was the first I’ve completed.

Initially, this was quite a scary build, as the microcontroller and some of the other ICs are in QFN packages, which I’d never soldered before.

(That’s actually the microcontroller from Wobbler, one of the other TiNRS modules, just for illustration as I didn’t get a close up of the Tuesday one!)

I soldered these using a hot air rework station, then touched up with the iron.

After populating all of the SMT components, I flashed it with a J-Link clone and Segger’s JFlashLite software.

I added all the panel components and spent some time getting all of the buttons and LEDs level and flush with the panel.

Worked first time! This is a really awesome sequencer. Very inspiring, it generates some really great sequences.