I’ve been yearning for a proper complex oscillator for some time. There are a few options out there, but the ones I like seem to be based on the Buchla Programmable Complex Waveform Generator Model 259.

Looking for a Eurorack alternative, I found the Feedback Modules Two59, which as the name suggests, is heavily based on the 259. It comes as three separate modules; two identical VCOs and waveshaper. While trying to track down a PCB/Panel (Feedback were out of stock at the time), someone offered me an incomplete build. The VCOs were nearly finished but uncalibrated and the shaper was half built. There was some questionable soldering.

I gave the PCBs a thorough clean, tidied up/reflowed a lot of the joints and added the missing components.

I managed to get the VCOs calibrated and switched out the cheap knobs for some nice Rogans à la Buchla.

But it wasn’t quite right. I loved the look of the Buchla module and wanted something more like that…

I managed to track down this fantastic black Eurorack sized panel, done in the Buchla style in Australia. It took a bloody age to get here, but SO worth the wait.

I love it!