Nava Extra9s pt. 2

Onto the sequencer sections and these were nice and easy – lots of space.

Starting to clock up a serious amount of resistor legs now!

With that completed, and all the ICs and Eproms in their sockets, that side of the boards were done.

One of the mods I’m making right away is the “Mux_SH” mod, which improves the accent response.

Tiny little SMD boards, but very quick to solder. They replace IC111 and IC114.

Next up, I added all the i/o hardware and finished up those boards.

That’s a LOT of solder points. Tried to keep it all neat, mostly succeeded ?

Added all the buttons and LEDs for the sequencer sections.

Then… onto the Extra9 mods… as I mentioned in the last post, I’m doing this as I go, so really going carefully.

The Extra9 boards are large sized SMD (1206 mostly) with a lot of the ICs already soldered. There are some SMD film capacitors, which I melted a few of before getting the temperature right!

Having added all the pots to all the boards and fitted the screens, it’s time for the fun bit… ?

There’s a lot of wiring!! It was hard and it took ages, but I got there in the end. That’s all I want to say about it.

Last, it was just a case (sorry) of getting them in the cases.

Amazing drum machines! ?

I had a few teething problems with both machines, obviously almost entirely due to wiring, and had to replace an opamp in the clap in my machine, but it actually went pretty smoothly!

EDIT (20/02/21): I’ve been using my Nava every day for a few months now. Absolutely incredible!