This has been a huge build, but it’s finally done! I made up the other three filter circuits, having confirmed that the first one worked.
I cut some slots in the boards to allow the wires to pass through the layers.
I made up an acrylic panel roughly to my photoshop design and popped all the hardware in to check the fit – all good.
Then came the wiring. Lots of wiring!
I’d hoped to make connectors for the wires from pin headers, but it didn’t work out how I wanted, so ended up just wiring directly to the boards. It’s easy enough to get access to the lower layers anyway due to the construction.
All done! There’s an issue with the resonance on one of the filters, but otherwise all working fine – I’ll work the problem out later!
Edit: the issue was a faulty resonance pot. I bought the cheapest pots I could find from China for prototyping purposes, so I was expecting some of them to fail; MUST remember to check them all before soldering instead of getting over excited and just popping them in!
The alfa4 prototype is coming on nicely!