TiNRS Wobbler

This was another PCB/panel I picked up in a trade and it looked very interesting, offering traditional LFOs alongside some more chaotic options and lots of control.

This was my first attempt at soldering QFN chips (I started this before Tuesday) and it initially seemed to go very well.

I built up the rest of the SMD parts and attempted to flash it.

I used the Segger JFlashLite software, along with a J-Link clone, Olimex JTAG adapter and some DuPont jumper cables (I has to solder some pins on as I only had female-female jumpers). Unfortunately it wouldn’t flash. I spent hours troubleshooting the board and decided that it had to be the microcontroller at fault. I swapped it out for a new one and flashed it first try. I guess I killed the first one, possibly overheated it.

I added all the panel components and got all the LEDs flush with the panel.

All worked a treat!