Calrec Stereo PQ1549 EQ

The SSL compressor build whet my appetite for outboard so I thought I’d have a crack at the dual Calrec EQ as Pusherman had the PCBs.

It’s a pretty simple build, all through hole and only a couple of odd parts.

I started with the caps and resistors – I used mostly WIMA capacitors as they’re quality.

Then I added the switches and pots. The switches are quite expensive most places but I found them for less than a quid at Audio Maintenance Ltd.

I constructed the panel. Slightly fiddly as the pots I used were a different diameter to the holes in the panel and getting all the switches straight was fun!

I put the case together and popped in the IEC socket and the XLRs.

I made up the PSU on perf board as I’ve never tried etching and didn’t want to yet!

I wired up the power and the ins and outs and slotted the LEDs into LED holders.

All worked fine first try! It sounds amazing.