Pure Noise

This was my first major disaster. I’d decided I needed a noise generator for synthesising percussive sounds and other noise-related duties. I’d also started looking at surface mount (SMD) soldering as many of the interesting projects I’d been looking at involved SMD. Surface mount soldering is quite different to what I’ve been doing so far, … Read morePure Noise

Passive Ring Mod

I’ve been looking into options for creating more interesting timbres. A cheap and easy option seems to be a passive ring modulator. I found some simple schematics online and put one together using germanium diodes. I made a panel out of cardboard for now. Works a treat!

Robaux SWT16

The digital revolution. I’ve decided that I really want to sort some drums out. I’m really drawn to being able to modulate analogue drum sounds so I’m definitely going to be building some dedicated drum modules. So, I need something to sequence them. My clock divider is going to be woefully inadequate, so I’ve found … Read moreRobaux SWT16