Antumbra CARA

CARA is Antumbra’s clone of the Mutable Instruments Marbles “random sampler”. That’s sampler in the sample and hold sense rather than the Akai sense. Got the boards from Pusherman, built and flashed the brain. Then populated the rest of the boards. The pin headers to join the two boards were very fiddly. The calibration process … Read moreAntumbra CARA

Passive Mult

Last night, while I was patching, I found myself wanting another multiple. So today, I rummaged through my spares box, found a few (non-matching) jacks and a piece of acrylic sheet and made one. It’s a simple 2×3/1×5 multiple with the top half normalled to the bottom, featuring my trademark terrible wiring! All tested and … Read morePassive Mult


Having whetted my appetite for DSP with the Clouds Parasite, I looked around for a cheap DIY DSP project and came across Dervish and, more interesting to me, μDervish. It’s a multi FX module based on the Spin FV-1 DSP chip. It’s a superb module with some awesome FX algorithms! Build Info